Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ze Obama Iz here.

338 to McCain's 162

This guy so rocks.

Finally USA will have someone to look forward to. I mean, with the Democrats around, there will be lesser(if not none) mistakes that USA will be criticised about.

Think about it. For everyday that Dubya was around as President, USA was criticised about every international step it took, the invasion of Iraq most of all. And Mr W was there to back it all up, calling it absolutely necessary and a "gesture to free the world from evil". Yeah right, when Mr Satan-incarnated is there controlling it all . . . 

The most influential President of all time, Bill Clinton is a Democrat. Hillary swore to support Obama every step of the way. 

Simple conclusion. No American in their right mind would support McCain taking over, realising all the Dubya has done.

Obama rocks !

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